
The split of the gsRuns can be done using the following shell script

cd /qualstorzws01/data_zws/gs
./prog/ -g work/gsRuns.txt -d 1908 -m first -n 100

This uses the gsRuns-list stored under work/gsRuns.txt, it takes the runtime information from the logfiles of the archive of the 1908 evaluation and it produces 100 small job files.

Update and Installation

This script can only be used if the R-package qgert is installed. On the ZWS-servers this is the case. An update of the package can be done with

# install.packages("devtools")

Then the bash script must be installed into the subdirectory prog of the GS-evaluation directory

/home/zws/lib/R/library/qgert/bash/ -s ~/lib/R/library/qgert/bash/ -t /qualstorzws01/data_zws/gs/prog

Purpose - Why This Is Done

Estimation of marker effects and reliability prediction is a resource intensive step during the routine genetic evaluation. Hence all these estimation tasks must be parallelized. Given a list (gsRuns-list) of computation jobs which consist of combinations of breeds, evaluation type, trait and parameter type, this list is to be split into a number of smaller lists.

As an additional requirement, the produced number of lists should contain the jobs sorted according to their predicted running time from a previous evaluation.

Description - How This Is Done

Given a directory where the logfiles of the previous evaluation is archived (or just a simple run-label such as 1908), the logfiles are searched for the predicted running time of the respective estimation job. This information is written to an outputfile. The outputfile is read into R where the records are sorted according to their running times. After the sort, a specified number of job-files is written. These files have the name-prefix gsSortedRuns.txt followed by a number.

To prepare the binary version of the SNP-Data one gsRun-job per breed is written to the file gsRuns.txt.snpBin. The jobs that are contained in gsRuns.txt.snpBin are not contained in the gsSortedRuns.txt-files. Hence all the programs with partitioned gs-Runs-lists, gsRuns.txt.snpBin must also be used as an argument.